What is a SatNav?

It stands for satellite naviagtion. A device that gives direction by the use of information recieved from various satellites. It's usually used in cars.
Built in GPS for a car

How it works?

The receiver of the GPS compares the time the signal was transmitted with the time the signal was received by the satellite. The time difference indicates the distance of the satellite. Using at least three different satellites the user's position can be determined and then displayed on the electronic map.

Advantages to GPSs

  • It's speedy
  • It useful in leading you to your destination and
  • makes
    navigation easier
  • Improves your mapping skills

Disadvantages to GPSs

  • Not very cheap
  • People focus on the GPS more than on the road
    which increases the risk of accidents
  • Can be only used with
    internet connection

Pros and Cons of GPS - specifically for a delivery firm

 Allows them to find destination the delivery needs to reach.


This is where one device is developed to carry out functions which were usually performed by several other devices such as voice calls via mobile phones, listening to music via MP3 players or even watching videos and searching the internet via GPSs.


This provides information about the content of a digital item e.g.: a digital photo has a file attached with information about the date, time, camera, and shutter speed.


Attaching the exact geographical coordinates of the digital image to give the location of where it was taken.


Placing geotagged images around to be found like a treasure hunt.


Many mobile phones now have GPS as a feature.
State two uses of GPS on a mobile phone.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    November 2013

