"Plug Inn"

From the reviews for this hostel, I found out that 583 out of 641 HostelBookers customers said that they would recommend "Plug Inn Boutique Hostel" (79/0% overall rating)

The distance from the Eiffel Tower to the hostel is 4.9km and the journey takes 1 hour and 6 minutes.

What Internet features did I use?
I used Google Maps as a search engine which helped me to find a hostel.

How to limit the number of hits per search?

Use keywords to narrow down your search. There are other ways to narrow down the search:

Speech marks around keywords e.g.: "local", "cafes"

Minus signs can eliminate words from your search e.g.: -restaurants, -diner

Use AND or OR to search for multiple things e.g.: local cafes AND cybercafes

Why search results appear at the top?

Website owners/creators pay Google and various search engines to be at the top of the search. It's all about spending money to make money and that's why capitalism is super lame.
  • The widespread use of the internet
  • Bias and validity
  • Privacy
  • The effective use of the search engines, validity of results and searching techniques

The different digital devices you could use away from family and friends are mobile phones, laptops, tablets, portable games consoles e.g.: PSP, Nintendo DS.

To send messages

Mobile phone - MMS, online photo albums
Laptop - accessing social networking sites
Tablets - ^
Netbook - ^

To display photos

Portable games consoles e.g.: PSP, Nintendo DS
Mobile Phone